Barking Dogs

If you are experiencing issues on your block with barking dogs, one of our members, Amberley, suggests:

  1. File a complaint online at
    Do not call 311 or try to file the complaint over the phone. The website offers this option, but I was told complaints rarely get filed this way, so skip it.

  2. Receive a letter from animal welfare within 2 weeks.

  3. If no letter is received within 2 weeks, file a second complaint online and note that no letter was received.

  4. If no letter is received, email me (Amberley).
    I have a direct line to make sure these complaints are processed in a timely fashion because the city sometimes does not send the letters out in a timely fashion.

  5. If a letter is received, the letter details the next steps to follow.
    If all steps are followed, and there is still an issue, neighbors may contact me for additional assistance. If someone receives the letter and is confused about the process, they may email me, and I'll walk them through the steps.

  6. Keep good records:
    Make note of every contact with the city, neighbors, etc. This helps if the case goes to court or mediation.