August Annual Report

Since our last annual meeting on August 6, 2022, here are the major issues that have come before the Board:

  • Traffic lights were finally installed on Walter at Lead and Coal

  • The Central Underpass was closely monitored by neighborhood volunteers

  • The property under renovation by Homewise at 119 High SE was burned to the ground and the alleged arsonist was arrested

Other activities of the Board

  • Community garden activities continued into the 13th year of this volunteer organization. Members cover the costs of water irrigation and other costs were covered by donations.

  • The HHHDA website was managed by David Tanner; cost was $203 for annual website hosting/maintenance/domain security.

  • Expenses for the annual meeting/block party on August 6, 2022, included $292 for mailed notices to the neighborhood, $300 for live music, and $262 for food.

  • Other expenses for the year included gas bills for the station - $345, donations to Police Appreciation Day - $150, printing a final report on Dickens - $550, historic plaques for past participants in Dickens - $1040, insurance - $325

  • Revenue for the year was $251 from the sale of historic items maintained by Ann Carson.

  • Since no fund-raising events were held in 22-23, the net revenue for this year totaled -$3216 bringing the bank balance to $20,031.


September Meeting Minutes


July Meeting Minutes